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After months of lockdowns and restrictions returning to our new normal may take more than a wardrobe change. Our mindsets may need a tune up as well. Are you ready to go from blah to A-ha? For many of us languishing at home in our casual pants has been a large part of the past… Read More »Are You Ready to Go From Blah To A-ha?

Remember being a child. Running outside with your friends for hours in the neighbourhood. Barefoot in the backyard. Exploring parks and woods. Have you ever considered how that contributed to your happiness? Has being months deep into a pandemic made you stop and evaluate what makes you happy? Years ago, while being treated for cancer,… Read More »Searching for Happiness? Could it be in Nature?

There is a lot of buzz about self care these days. And although the pandemic has made us slow down, I don’t think it has shone a bright enough light on self care. When you go about your life at 120 miles per hour, as we are all taught that successful people are busy, you… Read More »Self Care Is Trendy. But Do You Really Know What It Is?

We all have that one colleague who is always happy. Annoying isn’t it? That’s what I used to think when I was working at my most soul-draining job. My co-worker would always try to make me look on the bright side, and at the time, there was no bright side. I would secretly wish to… Read More »Why Gratitude? The Emotion That Can Lead To A Happier Life
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